Sunday 11 November 2012

Human resource management

Some facts about HR

It is true that  HR is the back bone for any organization in the world. But the wall which is lie between HR department and organizations in Seth culture. No power delegated to HR department. Although it is very essential to give power to this department. But in some companies all power is delegated to the top management and this department is rely on them. they have no power to hiring,firing,recruitment and selection,training,performance appraisal etc. All these functions of the HR is remain as a name in the organization because of the uneducated top management. They depress this department with their power. People cannot get good jobs instead of their good qualification because of this kind of culture. This has to be eliminated from the society. It is sad to say that our country is also one of them. Pakistan also included in this kind of countries.

Some solutions to eradicate this culture  
  1.  Give authority to HR
  2. Take check and balance to this department
  3. Eliminate the seth culture
  4. Consider them as a separate department.